Online Yoga Teacher Training vs. In-Person Yoga Teacher Training

Why Pursue Yoga Teacher Training?

Even if you've been practicing yoga for a long time, there is always more to learn. Yoga teacher training introduces you to the history of yoga and how it affects current practices, yoga philosophy, meditation and breathing, ethics and scope of practice, different yoga style possibilities, yoga anatomy and how to break down a pose, and how to start a successful business as a yoga instructor. Having a better understanding of yoga not only makes teaching it easier but also establishes your expertise and authority as a yoga teacher, especially if you are new to the profession.

Two Yoga Teacher Training Course Options

Searching for "yoga teacher training" will provide you with numerous programs. These generally fall into two categories: in-person yoga teacher training, available at a yoga school or local yoga studio, or online yoga teacher training, which can be completed virtually with an instructor from anywhere in the world.

Pros and Cons of In-Person Yoga Training

In-person training has the benefit of a more personal learning experience with the instructor being right in front of you, and the ability to get immediate feedback on your training style and form. The drawbacks include not having a local yoga school and the cost and time of traveling if you wish to attend a training program.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Yoga Teacher Training

Online teacher training offers convenience and the ability to set your own pace, but requires access to a computer and the internet. Additionally, due to the lack of someone overseeing your progress, it is easy to let time slip away and miss deadlines.

In-Person vs Online Yoga Teacher Training: Which Is Best for You?

Neither type of yoga teacher training is superior to the other and it comes down to selecting the best option for you. Ask yourself questions such as if you have a nearby yoga school or if you are good at managing your time, and how much time you have in your schedule and which teaching style you prefer.

What to Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Program

Once you have decided on what type of yoga teacher training to pursue, look for a program that includes certification, is comprehensive with topics such as yoga philosophy and different yoga styles, certification is provided by a Yoga Alliance Enhanced Standards Registered Yoga School, and has training extras such as mentorship.


Top 5 Reasons to Join a Teacher Training


Balancing Quality and Affordability in Your Yoga Teacher Training