Hallie Sigwing

Maya’s teacher training curriculum exceeded all of my expectations. It was important to me that I pursue my certification at a studio that maintained the cultural integrity of the Ashtanga practice. I love Maya’s dedication to being a welcoming space for practitioners of all skill levels.

Emily, Kyra and Jesse all bring their own unique expertise to the program, covering a wide variety of topics including anatomy, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, pranayama, philosophy, and of course, asana. It was incredible to learn from three people who have dedicated their lives to expanding their practice and encouraging those who are lucky enough to learn from them.

The richness of the curriculum cannot be understated. The training was paced in a way that felt conducive to my busy lifestyle as a business owner, but cut no corners in its educational value. I felt completely supported by all of the educators throughout the entire program. The value that this experience has added to my practice and journey as a yoga teacher is something that I will cherish forever! I truly believe there is no better place to begin your journey as a yoga teacher than Maya.

Scroll left or right to read more of our graduate student testimonials.


James Langton