3 Asana Yoga Postures to Keep You Healthy, Warm, and Motivated This Winter in Kansas City

Practice these 3 asanas just a little bit longer.

When the temperatures drop, yoga has the ability to provide warmth from within. By engaging in a series of fluid movements and extended poses that target your main muscle groups, you can ignite your inner fire and rid yourself of the cold, leaving you with a heightened sense of energy and increased warmth.

Down dog, plank, and Warrior 2 heat the body from within helping the immune system and providing a sense of well-being. See our break down of these poses below!


  • Translation from Sanskrit: Down Face Dog

    Yoga Difficulty Level: Suitable for Beginners

    Type of Pose: Standing and Inverted

    Advantages: Engages your entire body, activating and energizing your muscles.

    Reason for Practicing this Pose: Downward Facing Dog stimulates movement and generates warmth in the arms, legs, and core muscles.


  • Lengthens the spine

  • Downward dog provides a deep stretch to the hamstrings, calves, and Achilles tendon, promoting flexibility and increased range of motion.

  • Improves blood circulation

  • The inverted nature of downward dog, with the head positioned below the heart, enhances circulation and blood flow throughout the body.

  • Alleviates tension and stress

  • By stretching and releasing tension from the neck and back, downward dog helps reduce stress levels. Additionally, the increased blood flow to the brain can alleviate headaches, mental fatigue, and mild depression.


  • Translation from Sanskrit: Plank Pose

    Yoga Difficulty Level: Suitable for Beginners

    Type of Pose: Arm Support

    Advantages: Engages your entire body, activating and energizing your muscles.

    Reason for Practicing this Pose: To ignite the inner fire within you, try holding the Plank pose for a duration of one minute. Engage your abdominal muscles by softly pulling your belly button towards your spine.

    Advantages of Plank Pose

  • Enhances core strength

  • Boosts arm and wrist strength

  • Promotes digestion stimulation

Plank pose is not only a popular exercise for the abs but also a fundamental element in the Ashtanga yoga sequences due to its ability to strengthen the shoulders and tone the spine.


  • Translation from Sanskrit: Warrior

    Yoga Difficulty Level: Suitable for Beginners

    Type of Pose: Standing

    Advantages: Engages your entire body, activating and energizing your muscles.


  • Opens the hips and shoulders.

  • Stretches the inner thighs, groin, and chest.

  • Strengthens the legs, abs, and arms.

Winter can be a chilly time, but incorporating yoga poses that generate heat can bring some much-needed warmth to the season. These poses not only help combat the cold by getting your blood flowing but also contribute to a cozy and comforting feeling. The physical activity involved in these poses increases your body temperature, making you feel more invigorated and ready to face the crisp winter air. Additionally, the mindful aspect of yoga helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation, creating a perfect balance of warmth and tranquility during the colder months. So, whether you're looking to stay active or just seeking a toasty escape from the winter blues, these warming yoga poses might just be the secret to keeping both your body and spirit warm all season long.

Stay cozy, healthy, and happy all winter long. Take yoga class at Maya Yoga in the Crossroads with our master instructors.


Deliberate practice: Ways to keep a consistent Ashtanga yoga practice.


Discovering Ashtanga Yoga in Kansas City